abrdn Sustainability Report

Create more
By doing the right thing and following good ESG practice, abrdn are enabling more people to create more good. It’s a virtuous circle/multiplier.

Opinions are moving towards a view that ‘doing the right thing’ is good for the economy. Governments, businesses and the general public now see opportunity in green policy, and recognise that being sustainable isn’t all about denial and subsidy, but is actually good for jobs and growth. The same goes for good governance and social policy. abrdn are ahead of the curve on this.

The idea of a virtuous circle or a ‘virtue multiplier’ is one where a good deed or a good decision leads to many more beneficial outcomes. When we invest in a ‘good’ business, that business will have a beneficial influence on the wider world. It’s in the same spirit as the line CREATE MORE, but tuned to meet the ESG brief.

Environment – Investing for a Sustainable future means creating more. – Committed to sustainability, but not just because it’s a good thing. We’re committed because supporting renewable energy and other green initiatives is good for business. It means we create more opportunities, more jobs, and ultimately more wealth.

Society – Sharing the good with our staff, our customers and our communities – Recruit, appoint and promote people on the basis of ability alone. And experience has taught us that when we improve opportunities for women, minorities, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds, we draw from a wider pool of talent. That approach builds better futures – for our people, our business and our investors.

Governance- Doing the right thing. Trust and transparency for better investing – Believe our high standards of honesty, transparency and openness have a beneficial effect on the companies we invest in. And ultimately, that creates more benefits for our investors, and for society as a whole.